Spatial Statistics Laboratory at the
State University of Western Paraná, Brazil
LISA 2020 Network Full Member: 2020

Vision and Mission:

Spatial Statistics Laboratory-LEE is characterized by the integration of undergraduate students through scientific initiation projects with graduate students, as well as by developing projects in  statistical methods, statistical modeling,  precision agriculture, and spatial data analysis to solve real problems with great impact to the society and especially in agricultural, and economic fields. 

Miguel Angel Uribe Opazo, Ph.D.
LEE Coordinator

Responsible for the area of Spatial Statistics, mopazo@uol.com.br

Luciana Pagliosa Carvalho Guedes, Ph.D.
LEE Leader

Responsible for the area of Statistical Methods, luciana pagliosa@hotmail.com

Weimar Freire Rocha Jr., Ph.D.
LEE Leader

Responsible for the area of Agro-Industrial Development, wrochajr2000@gmail.com

Fernanda De Bastiani, Ph.D.
LEE Leader

Responsible for the area of Statistical Modeling; UFPE, fernanda.bastiani@ufpe.br 

Carla A. Vivacqua, Ph.D.,
LEE Mentor

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Department of Statistics, Laboratory for Applied Statistics (LEA)

Contact Information: